school partnership

Two environments in one Europe – Włoszczowa and Bitterfeld.- it is an educational strategic partnership project. Two schools – I-st  High School name Władysław Sikorski  from Włoszczowa  (Poland) and Europagymnasium “Walther Rathenau” from Bitterfeld ( Germany) are applying for funding this project.

Both schools -after familiarizing with directions of education adopted to the needs of fast changing labour market,- exchanged the data and information and it turned out that strategic for both schools are science competences. That is why the project and its activities take the problem.


Together developed materials’ aim is to show the diversity of the conservation in two different regions in Europe. The area of Bitterfeld – the part of Germany where chemical industry and coal output used to be highly developed. The feature of this region is high level of chemical contamination. The second region which is going to be examined is the area of Włoszczowa surrounded by green areas that is a part of a protected area  with its important climate generating function for the central part of swiętokrzyskie region. 

purpose of the project

The main aims of this project are:

  • accustoming young people to organizing and carrying out research with the usage of scientific methods and tools
  •  promoting the proper environmental attitudes among students with reference to the place of living
  • development of school teaching methods and including interdisciplinary methods