Włoszczowski county is located in the western part of świętokrzyskie voivodeship and it covers the area of 908 km2. Location physic and geographic is a strip of upland Małopolska and Niecka Nidziańska.
Lp | communes | area [ha] | people |
1 | Włoszczowa | 25 372 | 20 503 |
2 | Kluczewsko | 13 700 | 5 260 |
3 | Krasocin | 19 389 | 10 819 |
4 | Moskorzew | 7 100 | 3 019 |
5 | Radków | 8 632 | 2 731 |
6 | Secemin | 16 413 | 5400 |
There are five mesoregions: Niecka Włoszczowska (which covers the western and the central part of county- on both sides of Pilica river), Przedborsko- Małgoskie Strip (its central and northern-eastern part is situated in the county).
Among geological formations, which are on the area, the most popular are the formations of quaternary and morena bottom.
The geological build of Świętokrzyskie Mountains is very interesting. It is the result of many changes which have been taking place in the earth's crust and on its surface during million of years. Świętokrzyskie Mountains are old, creased mountains which are built of sedimentary rocks. Overwhelming part of włoszczowski county is located in the wide low ground which is called Niecka Miechowska (Nidziańska). The rest of county’s area is in the precinct of Mesozoic edge of Świętokrzyskie Mountains. They are mainly made of chalk settlements. Hills and humps are made of chalk and Jura formations.
Quaternary settlements from Cenozoic era cover a significant part of the county.
Mineral resources are concentrated in the northern and central part of the county. There are limestones, sands and clay .
On the marshy areas of the county there are peats.
In our region we use deposits of Jura limestones for industrial range. They are useful also to produce cement and calcium.
Sands extraction is rather popular. That’s why this resource can be useful in the building industry.
Clays which appear in our county can be the resource for small works of building ceramics as production of bricks. Presently there is no extraction.
Peatlands covers the rich area of włoszczowski county. Formerly peat deposits were mainly appreciated because of calorific value.
Nowdays they are not so much rich in calorific value. Loss of environmental destruction can be bigger than value of derived raw material.
Świętokrzyskie Mountains are in the central part of Wyżyny Środkowopolskie.
According to Poland’s division into physical-geographic regions they are macro-region of Wyżyna Kielecka.
Świętokrzyskie Mountains have got a huge geological variety. There is different place in Poland where you can observe rock formations on the surface from all geological times, from cambrian to quaternary. They aren’t available anywhere else.
Świętokrzyskie Mountains are characterised by the band arrangements of hills and lows. It is related to differences of rocks’ resistance and ground tectonics.
Szkoły biorące udział w projekcie:
I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. gen. Władysława Sikorskiego we Włoszczowie
29-100 Włoszczowa ul. Wiśniowa 12 email: lo_wloszczowa@poczta.onet.pl
Europagymnasium "Walther Rathenau"
06749 Bitterfeld-Wolfen Saarastraße 15 email: gym.btf@t-online.de
Program Erasmus+